Meet Walter, the adorable last-born from our current litter of Cavoodle puppies. Walter is a charming and playful Blenheim Toy Cavoodle with his white and brown spotted coat. He is an energetic and curious pup who loves to play and explore his surroundings. Despite his playful nature, Walter is also a cuddle bug who loves to snuggle up with his people. With his friendly and affectionate personality, Walter is sure to bring joy and happiness to any household. Whether you’re looking for a companion for walks and playtime or a snuggle buddy for lazy afternoons, Walter is the perfect choice.
House of Cavoodle offers premium breeding and studding services for Cavoodles, located on the Mornington Peninsula, VIC
RPBS Breeder No. 10508
Leave your details below and we’ll reach out to organise a meet-and-greet, based on the Mornington Peninsula.